After any dental procedure, you may experience symptoms such as discomfort, swelling, or sensitivity to hot and cold. In most cases, over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen can be used as directed until the pain subsists.
After Dental Reconstruction
It takes several days for the brain to adjust to changes in the position of your teeth, so it’s normal to need a few days to adjust to your new bite. If after a few days you’re still experiencing discomfort, call our office and we can schedule an appointment to adjust it for you.
Taking care of your new dental work is key to preserving its longevity. Avoid foods that can crack or stain your new teeth, and if you play sports, let us know so that we can create a mouthguard for you. Regular brushing and flossing are key to removing plaque and keeping your new smile healthy.
After Crown and Bridge Procedures
Dental crowns and bridges usually take two or three appointments to complete, and you may experience some temporary discomfort or temperature sensitivity after each. If anesthesia is used, your mouth will be numb for a period of time after the appointment. During this time, avoid eating or drinking hot beverages, as the temperature or your chewing may damage your mouth.
Temporary crowns or bridges are put in place while custom permanent ones are crafted just for you. These temporaries may occasionally fall out. If this happens, please contact our office as soon as possible to re-insert it. To prevent your temporary hardware from falling out, avoid eating sticky foods that might pull at the cement and use caution while flossing. If you can, try to chew on the other side of your mouth until the permanent fixtures are in place.
After Tooth Extractions
When a tooth has been removed, it’s important that a blood clot forms to stop the bleeding. If bleeding or oozing persists, you will have to bite down on a gauze pad for a few seconds until it stops. Once the clot has formed, do not disturb it by sucking on straws, exercising, or brushing the area for at least 72 hours. If the clot is removed, the healing process will be considerably slowed.
After Composite (White) Fillings
Your mouth may be numb from the anesthesia for a short while after the appointment. During this time, avoid eating or drinking hot beverages.
We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have about caring for your teeth. If you experience any symptoms outside of the ones on this page, call our office immediately at 770-475-6136 and one of our specialists can assist you.